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Calltag - tag your calls

4.2 ( 432 ratings )
Verktyg Produktivitet
Utvecklare: Prime & United Minds

Calltag lets you tag your phone call with information - calltags - on who is calling and why, which is great if you are calling from a unknown number and want to avoid being screened.

This is how it works: The calltags are sent by iMessage or SMS before the call is placed giving the callee a heads up. Calltag is a utility for authorities, organizations and companies calling from unknown numbers, for important matters. But also for anyone who wants to avoid being screened. Receiving a message before the call allows you to decide whether the call is worth taking. Also, using Calltag you don’t have to bother with voicemail or texting if someone doesn’t answer your call – all information about the missed call is already in their message inbox.

Unlike other popular caller-ID services, Calltag doesn’t warn you but notifies you.

So, if want to avoid being screened, say goodbye to voicemail, stop sending texts post-dial, adapt to a future standard for phone calls, or on the other hand know who is calling and why? Calltag.

Please Rate and Review if you like Calltag, and comment in-app and send us your feedback on how Calltag can be improved.

- Calltag Team